
Google Cloud Training with Developer Student Club

I joined WUSTL’s Google Developer Student Club for a Study Jam on the GCP. I finished the Google Cloud Essentials quest first and won a Google Home Hub. The quest included 7 hands-on labs where I had to:

  • access Qwiklabs and the Google Cloud Platform Console and use the basic GCP features: Projects, Resources, IAM Users, Roles, Permissions, APIs, and Cloud Shell
  • create a Google Compute Engine virtual machine and understand zones, regions, and machine types
  • create a Windows Server instance in the Google Compute Engine and access it with RDP
  • connect to computing resources hosted on Google Cloud Platform via the web and learn how to use Cloud Shell and the Cloud SDK gcloud command
  • deploy a containerized application with Google Kubernetes Engine
  • setup both network load balancers and HTTP load balancers for your application running in Google Compute Engine virtual machines

I also completed a lab on the Cloud Security Scanner that identifies security vulnerabilities in Google App Engine web applications.