
Configuring Gmail with a Google Domain using Google DNS

Enable email forwarding in the Email section of your Domain settings

  1. Go to:<your_domain>/email
  2. Click Add email alias
  3. Set Alias email to * if you want all emails sent to any address at your domain forwarded to the same email, otherwise specify the specific alias
  4. Set Existing recipient email to the Gmail address of the account you want to be emailing from

Add an App Password in your Google Account

  1. Open App Passwords
  2. Set Select App to Other (Custom Name)
  3. Name the app whatever you wish, e.g. <your_domain> Email
  4. Click Generate and save the password displayed for the next section

Add desired address(es) to Gmail

  1. Open Gmail Accounts and Import Settings
  2. In the “Send mail as” section, click Add another email address.
  3. Enter your name and the address you want to send from.
    • Since Alias email was set to *, you can specify <anything>@<your_domain>. For each mailbox that you want to add (such as those specified in RFC 2142), you will need to repeat the Add another email address process.
    • Keep Treat as an alias checked, as there is no other mail system that you can access emails to your domain. To verify your use case, see: Should I uncheck “Treat as an alias” in Gmail?.
  4. Click Next Step
  5. Set SMTP Server to, leaving Port set to 587
  6. Set Username to your Google ID, i.e. the <id> portion of <id>
  7. Set Password to the App Password you generated in the previous section
  8. Click Add Account
  9. Verify the account by clicking the link sent to your Gmail

Final Optional Settings

  1. Refresh the Gmail Accounts and Import Settings page to see your new, verified email(s)
  2. Select Reply from the same address the message was sent to
  3. Choose a new address to make default