
A Challenge from BSidesSF2020

Google Security & Privacy Engineering Challenge

I stopped by the Google booth at BSidesSF 2020 this weekend, and I picked up a challenge card and a free Titan Security Key Bundle (which I greatly appreciated). Today, I sorted through all the papers, stickers, and t-shirts that I recieved at BSides and RSA, and I rediscovered this card today and solved the challenge. I did censor my answer here though ;)

Challenge Card


#	   012345678
SECRET = b"?????????"

if all([
	s[6] * (512 & 255) + 
	s[5] * (725 & 255) == 17466,	# s[5] * 213 == 17466, s[5] == chr(82) == 'R'
	s[0] + s[1] + s[2] == 179,	# 63 + 33 + s[2] = 179, s[2] == 83, chr(83) == 'S'
	s[-2] + 837 == 892,		# s[7] == 892-837 == 55 == '7'
	s[0] ^ s[-1] == 0x45,		# s[0] ^ 122 == 0x45, 0x45 == 69, s[0] = 69 ^ 122 == 63, chr(63)=='?'
	s[6] << 3 == 408,		# 408 >> 3 == 51, s[6] = chr(51) == '3'
	s[-1] == 122,			# chr(122) == 'z', s[8] == 'z'
	135037 == s[3] * 1337,		# 135037/1337 == 101, s[3] == chr(101) == 'e'
	s[4] - 1 == 98,			# s[4] == chr(99) == 'c'
	s[1] / 128 == 0.2578125		# 0.2578125*128 = 33, chr(33) == '!', s[1] == !
	m = ("hmEjdCbbEdCffKEdb"
	c = lambda x:("AbCdEfGhIjKLmN+/".index(x))
	o = ""
	for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(m[:-2:2], m[1:-2:2])):
		o += chr( ( (c(a) << 4) | c(b) ) ^ s[i % len(s)] )
	o = "Incorrect secret."